For years, I had a dream: to own my place to live.

This dream’s made true, about 4 years ago, when I finally bought a small but spacious one-floor house in the suburbs of Barquisimeto, the 4th largest city in Venezuela. 

The house forms part of a private condominium, located in a very peaceful charming neighborhood, with professional class families, well-kept gardens, playgrounds for kids, sports courts and jogging treks and it is surrounded by nature. From the near “Terepaima Mountain” National Park comes a refreshing breeze to cool down the area. 

Hummingbirds and falcons have their home in here. At night the sounds of “guacharacas” break the quiet as a reminder of being in the company of such interesting birds. 

First time I saw this house, it didn’t look particularly appealing at all. It was a basic unreformed little unit in a great location. Afterward, I made some additions and changes, like the covered patio in the backyard where I have a relaxed sitting area, a spare room as a place for storage and keep ugly stuff out of sight, the laundry area, my kitchen, etc. 

My place is a townhouse, with gardens in front and back yards. The parking area is big enough for keeping two cars; there are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. It also has an emergency potable water deposit and a pumping system, hot water, cable TV, and Internet.

As for my decoration style, I must say that I have a rather simplistic one. I'm not so into ornaments nor full of stuff places. My motto is less is more. I only keep around what is needed and a few but cherished inherited items and mementos from trips and friends. 

My home is also the home of my two female cats: Ceniza and BB and my female mixed breed dog, Chungui. We all are a happy lovely family. We all enjoy spending hours doing nothing but relaxing (well, they do) while I write some articles on my laptop computer.

I want you to know that the way I live in Venezuela, nowadays, is a challenge (to say the least). With one of the highest inflation rates worldwide, it's kind of hard keeping a house in good conditions, not to mention what extremely difficult to purchase a property today is. Even worst, there are virtually zero properties on the rental market due to certain conditions which make unattractive for an owner to put his assets in the hands of a renter. That's why I feel so fortunate to own my little pretty house.  

This is my place. This is my home, and you are very welcome anytime you want to come over to experience the way I live.

You can find more information on Luz' home inside TIHIL. 

The pictures above are a collage. If you log into our portal you can explore the flat in detail, just search for Luz or Venezueka and you will find.

We also posted more pictures of the flat on our Facebook  account and on Instagram. Follow us there for more updates on living situation worldwide. 

If you would like to introduce your living situation in a short blog here, get in touch. You can also simply introduce other people to your place by showing it inside TIHIL

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